Election day (November 5, 2024) is right around the corner! Here's a quick reminder that Maryland employers must give employees up to a two hour absence from work on election day in order to cast a ballot. Md. Code Ann., Elec. Law § 10-315. The employer must pay the employee for the two hours.
A couple of additional notes to keep in mind:
Employees are required to provide proof that they voted or attempted to vote, on a form provided at the polling location; and,
Employees are not entitled to this paid absence if they already have two hours of "off-duty" time when polls are open on election day (in other words, if you can vote during your time off).
If you need any additional information about voting (e.g., registration, polling locations), visit the Maryland State Board of Elections website here. If you have questions about your rights as an employee, contact any of the lawyers here at the Employment Law Center of Maryland. We'll be glad to help.